Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Inspiration: Womanhood

I look forward to Sundays for the physical break from the rest of the week – certainly being an RS Pres. takes a bit more time than any calling I have ever had, but compared to the rest of the week – Sunday’s are still a welcomed break.  I always try to make Sunday’s the Lord’s day, I usually work on calling responsibilities and assignments, spend time with family, surf, and the like.  This is a day that allows me to rest from my worldly responsibilities. 

Today I turned on the TV to see what was on the BYU TV channel, I caught the end of a BYU devotional from March 13, 2001, by M. Russell Ballard:" “Here Am I, Send Me”.  There were some wonderful sentiments, profound and powerful statements – so I looked it up online and watched it again – it was well worth the 38 1/2  minutes, perhaps you will find some inspiration in this talk as well. 

to watch it, listen, or read it click here:

There is applicable guidance whether we are college age or have college age children or grand children. 











picture from:

1 comment:

  1. This picture really caught my eye! I followed the link and read about it. The woman at the top of the steps has the following couplet associated with it in the picture: "Now to the poor her hands dispense the blessings of benevolence." Benevolance is an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts. While it is probably easier to do this in certain stages of life (without little babies, or serious health problems)I think we always need to reach out to others in the capacities we are able. That is the essence of relief society, providing benevolance through all stages of life.
