July 20, 2010
At our Relief Society swim night we laughed, we cried, we told stories, we shared in friendship on Día del Amigo (Friendship day 7/20 for Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and others… ) no less! We were reminded that we have a friend in Christ… “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” John 15:13-14
We had wonderful company, an bit of swimming, fruit salad, punch with a story, and little sweets too… and we even had an impromptu cooking lesson – Maryland Style.
While showing our tall and bounteous tomato plants, I was surprised to find almost all of the sisters in attendance never before had fried green tomatoes – one of my favorite summer eats! So with out further ado – out came the simple ingredients, a plug in pan and bam! mmm, mmm, mmm… goodness from the garden!
Fried Green Tomato Recipe:
- Large Green tomato – pick one about to turn yellowish/ orange – cut into 1/2” slices (you need two cut sides for the frying)
- Couple of tablespoons of
- Couple shakes of salt and a few grinds (or shakes) of black pepper
- one beaten egg
- hot oil in a pan – just enough to coat the bottom – 1/8” to 1/4” vegetable or olive oil, or a couple of table spoons of butter – watch the heat so the butter doesn’t burn!
Mix the flour, salt and pepper – dip each side of your tomato in flour, then in the beaten egg then back into the flour and into the hot oil – cook one side for about a minute or so – till it’s lightly brown and crispy (doesn’t take long), then flip and cook the other side. (you can skip the egg and the double flour dip and go straight to the pan – it’s just a less crispy texture – try it both ways and see which you like better – pictured above are the no egg – single dip flour mix version). Serve with a side dipping of Ranch dressing! Mmm… Mmm…Mmm! You will look forward to Summer’s “unripe” tomatoes! (not my photo below, mine are a bit more simple – but doesn’t that just look so good!)
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